Date added: Monday, October 18 2004, 12:25PM
Another week, another entry.
Linux-World was awesome last week.
I attended Sun's vendor session, one seminar about open source software and walked around the different stands which were there (one of which being Red Hat).
There was a lot to see on Linux and Security.
Another thing which I'm thankful for is having the week off this week.
I'm really taking it easy and not doing all that much.
I have worked a bit on my webserver, though.
Mostly behind the scene (i.e.; include file), and I've also cleaned up the directory structure a bit.
I've installed Webalizer and set it up and is now working fine.
And I did a bit of twaeking here and there.
I've also done a bit of C programming to brush up my skills on that.
I've kind of neglected it for a while, doing other things instead (PHP and SQL).
Also, I've just read that the Nintendo DS (Double Screen) will be regional free, which is awesome because it allows me to import it from the US once it launches.
That's about it for now.