Agilo's Weblog (text-based version for ancient browsers) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are seeing this page in the technology best suited for your browser. Enjoy your stay here and if at any time you feel the urge to see this page in its full glory I kindly and friendly suggest you to get a better browser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Entry title: Maktone chips. Date added: Monday, March 7 2005, 06:31PM Written by: Agilo ( Entry ID: 127 --- About four or five years ago, my father downloaded a game for me I really wanted to play, that game was Black & White. The game, having been cracked, came with a custom installer created by Class. The program also featured some music to go with the installation process. One of those music tunes (a "chip") was created by Maktone and I really liked it. In fact, I liked it so much, I kept the installer program long after I finished playing the game itself. The tune really catched on and I could listen to it for hours without being bored by it. I kept the installer over the years, listening to it once a while (it really is a good tune). Anyway, the day came (multiple times) I wanted to have the music seperate from the installer, but I was unable to rip it myself. I even tried recording it through a loopback (my dad did it for me at the time). Unfortunately, every method I tried resulted in quality loss. :( Well, as you may know, last year I installed Gentoo Linux and I was from that point unable to listen to the song anymore (Cedega/Wine didn't work with it), so it got lost in some of my older files. A few months ago, I installed Windows XP Pro as a dual boot to be able to play the one game I love to play; Counter-Strike (and since shortly; Half-Life 2) and came across the installer again (by a sheer coincidence). Anyway, I started checking google again in search of "maktone" and sure enough, I found his site! I gave it a quick browse, downloaded all the music files I could get and started checking if the tune from the installer would be included in the files I'd downloaded. And I eventually found the file (SAE03.MOD) I'd been looking for all these years! The URL to his site: What's more, I really like the rest of his chips. I'm listening to them a lot now, there are some very awesome tunes in there (even one of Super Mario World!). I wrote an entry in his guestbook, hoping he'll notice me. Perhaps he'll drop me a line, who knows. Anyway, check out some of his stuff, the chips are really awesome! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------