]> Agilo's Weblog
Your skills are satisfactory for the Meiji era, but had you been in Kyoto near the end of the Edo dynasty, your skills would have gotten you killed.Saito Hajime
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Monday, June 6 2005, 08:01PM

Disneyland (Paris)!

This Friday I'll be going to Disneyland in Paris. :D
I'm going (for free :P) with the school I work at as an intern. :)

We leave at 3:00 in the morning and get back at 2:30 in the morning. :S
the main problem with that is that I travel by public transportation and there is no public transit at that time at night.
To get there, that won't be much of a problem.
I'll take the last subway up there (and arrive at around 12:30AM) and wait until 3:00AM.
The way back, however, isn't a matter of just waiting.
I checked online at when the subway and trains start their shifts and that won't be until 8AM.
I'm not about to wait 5 hours to be on my way home, so I'll probably just call a taxi or something (haven't figured it out yet).
I already know none of the people I know can drive me, I've asked around from class-mates to neighbours and no-one is able to help me. :(

Oh well, I'll probably just go by taxi, then (and spend 50 bucks on a cab-ride. :S).


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