Date added: Sunday, July 31 2005, 06:23AM
Went out to Now&Wow with Nick!
Oh my god, I finally, FINALLY, went out to Now&Wow (with Nick de Lange, omg!)!
At first I was really insecure about if I was able to get in at all, since their door policies are so terribly strict (on clothes, the way you look, etc.).
I decided to put on a black pants, a white t-shirt and a closed white shirt on top of it (which was semi-transparent).
I met up with Nick there and we walked in where we were greeted by the so-called; door-bitches
(A.K.A. bouncers).
One woman asked us if we'd ever been there before, I decided to shut up and let Nick do the talking when he said that he'd never been there before (while in fact he had been there several times before).
Anyway, big lie, omfg, anyway, the point was that if we'd never been there before, maybe she wouldn't be so strict on policies and let us in just to get the feel of things.
Nick was all okay but she had troubles with what I was wearing () so she told me I should lose the shirt and just keep on the t-shirt, then I'd be okay and set (and warned me to dress more appropriate next time I come there).
So I went in with Nick (while being fiercely checked for weapons and drugs by the next checkpoint).
When we were finally in it wasn't all that crowded so we chilled
for a bit in the lounge area (the second hall of the three halls) and had a few drinks and something to eat.
After a while people started to get in and things were getting really crowded and, well, I don't really have to explain where all this is going.
Anyway, I had a cool time there with Nick and I really let myself go on the dance-floor.
We got to do this again sometime (*cough* 13th of August on Nick's birthday *cough*).
I just need to go out and get some proper clothes for next time (however odd it was, because I really didn't think much wrong of what I was wearing. It really is a nice shirt).
Anyway, yeah, Now&Wow is cool place to be.