Agilo's Weblog (text-based version for ancient browsers) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are seeing this page in the technology best suited for your browser. Enjoy your stay here and if at any time you feel the urge to see this page in its full glory I kindly and friendly suggest you to get a better browser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Entry title: Spock's Beard concert! Date added: Monday, October 3 2005, 04:08PM Written by: Agilo ( Entry ID: 155 --- Well, today I've finally gotten three tickets (for myself, Ed and Michel) to go see Spock's Beard, live, at De Kade in Zaandam (Netherlands). :D I've waited a long time to actualy go and see them live. :) I also wanted to get tickets for Dream Theater but no-one wants to come along with me so if I'd be going I'd be going alone. :( Anyway, I'm sure there is always next time, right? :( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------