]> Agilo's Weblog
Hey everybody, 'I'm A Stupid Moron With An Ugly Face And A Big Butt And My Butt Smells And I Like To Kiss My Own Butt.'Moe (The Simpsons)
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Thursday, February 9 2006, 01:24PM

King Crimson T-Shirt!

I bought this King Crimson T-Shirt from the DGM Live store:

Picture of the King Crimson T-Shirt.
The T-shirt showing the Schizoid face on the front and the old man wizard face on the back.

I've been using that picture as my background in Windows at school to show off (:P) but I've always liked the album-cover ever since I saw it (a year ago or so).

Anyway, It rules, it's a very nice piece of art and I like it a lot! :D


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