Date added: Friday, April 7 2006, 07:16PM
Google Talk update!
Google Talk has updated with some very awesome changes!
Normally I won't post about application updates (other than my own creations), but this I feel I should mention (for the sake of publicity — even if my site doesn't get all that many visitors).
Notable changes:
- Avatars (support for transparent PNGs!)!
- Chat skins (built up using CSS!!)!
- Google Talk will convert all avatars to PNG files and store the cache in C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Google Talk\avatars\.
- Google Talk keeps chatlogs locally in C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Google Talk\chatlogs\ (I'm wondering if Google Chat spools these here for GMail's chatlogs and if these can be messed with in a malicious way).
- Google Talk keeps its skins in C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Google Talk\themes\, and custom skins in its user\ directory.
- C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\ holds older versions of Google Talk.
- (When a chat is shaded) Tab selects other chats (knew this before) but CTRL+Tab will move focuss to other chats.
- You can "steal" other people's avatars real easily (not a real challenge nor useful function, but funny nonetheless).
- Overthrow of Microsoft (there's always hope
- Linux client (I know you can use its jabber protocol, but I mean an official GUI client
— I'd use it.
- Interface getting (even more
) homey (meaning: one can easily feel right at home).
- Create my own skin/theme (or find a dedicated Google Talk theming site).
Also, something happened April 1st (A.K.A. April Fools) which I'll put in my weblog at a later date (I wasn't planning on making any entries before I'd make that one, but I really wanted to blog this, so..).