Agilo's Weblog (text-based version for ancient browsers) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are seeing this page in the technology best suited for your browser. Enjoy your stay here and if at any time you feel the urge to see this page in its full glory I kindly and friendly suggest you to get a better browser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Entry title: Google Talk update! Date added: Friday, April 7 2006, 07:16PM Written by: Agilo ( Entry ID: 193 --- Google Talk has updated with some very awesome changes! Normally I won't post about application updates (other than my own creations), but this I feel I should mention (for the sake of publicity -- even if my site doesn't get all that many visitors). Notable changes: Avatars (support for transparent PNGs!)! Chat skins (built up using CSS!!)! Notices: Google Talk will convert all avatars to PNG files and store the cache in C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Google Talk\avatars\. Google Talk keeps chatlogs locally in C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Google Talk\chatlogs\ (I'm wondering if Google Chat spools these here for GMail's chatlogs and if these can be messed with in a malicious way). Google Talk keeps its skins in C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Google Talk\themes\, and custom skins in its user\ directory. C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\ holds older versions of Google Talk. (When a chat is shaded) Tab selects other chats (knew this before) but CTRL+Tab will move focuss to other chats. You can "steal" other people's avatars real easily (not a real challenge nor useful function, but funny nonetheless). :P Expectations: Overthrow of Microsoft (there's always hope :P). Linux client (I know you can use its jabber protocol, but I mean an official GUI client :P -- I'd use it. :)). Interface getting (even more :P) homey (meaning: one can easily feel right at home). Todo: Create my own skin/theme (or find a dedicated Google Talk theming site). :P Also, something happened April 1st (A.K.A. April Fools) which I'll put in my weblog at a later date (I wasn't planning on making any entries before I'd make that one, but I really wanted to blog this, so..). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------