Date added: Friday, July 14 2006, 04:14PM
Music! Music? Yeah, Music!
Well, It's been a while since I've learned new songs so today I've started learning the piano intro to Firth Of Fifth by Genesis on my keyboard.
Since it's been a long time since I've did anything on keyboard/piano it took me a while to get anywhere, but I can now say that I can play half of the right-hand part (in 25% of the normal tempo and with two hands — actually, I'm already learning to play it with one hand, heh.. playing it with two was just to ease learning of the part but is also quite stupid, as I well knew).
Anyway, I've found another guy on YouTube that was able to play it well with two hands which really makes me envious.
I've thought of learning this song ever since I first heard it (it's really beautiful) and I'm having a lot of troubles with it.
Oh well.. practice makes perfect, as they say.
I'm well under way to mastering this piano piece.
Then in the evening I set out to learn Jethro Tull's awesome song (and at the same time album): Thick As A Brick.
I've taught myself Jethro's guitar part already (at normal tempo and all); it's not all that hard and it's not all that much, to be fair.
But it is a really nice song and nice guitar part to know and play.
The only thing I hate is playing it with a guitar pick.. I am really not the type of guitar player that prefers guitar picks and in my frustrations I've now stopped playing for a while.
But oh well, like I said before, practice makes perfect.