Date added: Sunday, August 13 2006, 01:04PM
Time spent, weblog update.
Some time has passed since my last weblog entry and I don't really have much to say this time.
I've gone out yesterday with Nick and some of his friends and acquaintances, which was fun but very tiresome (yesterday was the anual Dance Parade in Rotterdam, which led to massive crowds throughout the city).
I also asked Lenna to come with me to the Dance Parade but unfortunately she didn't want to.
But that's understandable considering she met some guy now.
I eventually didn't go to the Dance Parade because of the heavy rains.
But anyway, while going out I had fun so it was all okay.
I've learned to play a new song by King Crimson called Peace -- A Theme.
It's a very jazzy song, which I really like, the chords are (as with many jazz chords) really beautiful.
I also recorded myself playing it with my webcam.
I recorded this when I just learned to play it so it's not perfect, the timing is a bit off and I make a few small mistakes, but blah.
Anyway, that's about it.