Agilo's Weblog (text-based version for ancient browsers) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are seeing this page in the technology best suited for your browser. Enjoy your stay here and if at any time you feel the urge to see this page in its full glory I kindly and friendly suggest you to get a better browser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Entry title: Domain name! Date added: Thursday, August 17 2006, 04:07PM Written by: Agilo ( Entry ID: 212 --- I registered! I really wanted but unfortunately (as everything good in life) it was already taken (by the same owner of -- a german on-line pet store, of all things). I mailed him a looooong time ago if I would be able to take over, but he wanted to keep it in case he might do something with it (nowadays it's just a mirror to And then there is .net and .org which are both taken. I don't get it, what kind of bastard uses my nickname, comprised of the letters in my name, as a name for a product or project? :S Oh well, I guess I should be realistic and accept it for what it is, but still; it irks me. Maybe some day I will own some day. :P Anyway, for now it's just going to redirect to, but in the future it will be a domain of its own (meaning I will use a hoster instead of ACJ's webspace), that is.. when I have the money. :P Not that I don't want ACJ's webspace, it's just for the best for both of us I think. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------