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Hey everybody, 'I'm A Stupid Moron With An Ugly Face And A Big Butt And My Butt Smells And I Like To Kiss My Own Butt.'Moe (The Simpsons)
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Sunday, September 24 2006, 09:34PM

Gone out (again) in honor of my birthday!

Yesterday, Ed, Michel, Ralf and I attended the oh-so long awaited De Buurtsuper event at WaterFront to celebrate my birthday (yet again :P)!
As to why I needed a second event?; mainly because Michel and Ed didn't want to go to the dance club I went to celebrate last time, but aside from that, the music is much better (more rock-oriented) and the atmosphere is ten times as good (big understatement).

The day (or I should say; evening) started with Ed coming by with his brand new The Flower Kings DVD (which I've also purchased) which was filmed (in its entire) when we attended one of their concerts a few months ago (back in April). :o
Sure enough, as we'd already guessed, we're also seen (multiple times) in the DVD amongst the rest of the crowd (and quite clearly visible too, at times)!
We watched about two hours worth of the DVD when we had to get ready for the night, so Ed left and later returned (at which time Michel had already arrived).

We left by (Michel's) car and met up with Ralf (who was already waiting for half an hour, as he told us :o) where we were supposed to meet.

We got in around twelve (I think it was) and really had the best time with lots of dancing to very good music, cool people, good atmosphere, a few of so-called mosh pit's (thanks to Night Wolf — guy I know from the 'net — for teaching the English term for it :P) and lots and lots of laughter.

It was really a very awesome night and I can definitely say that this has been, without a doubt, the best night out I ever had!
I didn't even drink a sip of alcohol for the entire night (usually I drink alcohol to loosen myself up a bit)!

Michel let me know that this had also definitely been one of his best nights out as well and I'm pretty sure Ed and Ralf were also real happy with it. :D

I didn't get much sleep either; I went to bed at around 7 AM and I needed to get up at 11:45 AM to go to Carl's birthday party (again: congratulations, man!). :P

Anyway, it's getting late again and I really need to catch up on some sleep. :P


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