Date added: Thursday, November 16 2006, 11:31AM
Very busy times.
Once again, I've let a lot of time pass by without so much as a word, hence this entry.
Reason for this is that I've just started my internship a few weeks ago and I've had to deal with a lot of things all at once, I even find it hard to make time to do useful things for myself (such as practicing my flute or finishing on my own open projects).
Anyway, I have tried to make the time to practice my flute and I am improving (slightly).
I'm getting more and more familiar with the instrument and I still like playing it, I just wish I was a natural talent for it (so I'd be playing lots of cool songs and such).
But oh well, all in due time.
As for other things, nothing real exciting has happened or anything.
My little brother pre-ordered the Nintendo Wii a while ago, and we're both looking forward to its launch coming 8th of December.
It also seems that sgstair has put some projects on hold to (soon) start working on reverse engineering the Wii's wireless hardware (among other things).
Can't wait to see how that will end up.
I'm planning on keeping a very close eye on the Wii's hacking and homebrew scene (like I have with the Nintendo DS since it launched in America).
Anyway, that's about it for now.