]> Agilo's Weblog
The essence of Mortal Kombat is not about death... but life!Rayden (Mortal Kombat)
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Wednesday, November 22 2006, 05:04PM

Nintendo Wii homebrew scene.. it has begun!

I was there at the beginning of the Nintendo DS hacking/cracking and homebew scene and I'm here now at the dawn of the Nintendo Wii homebrew scene (actually, apparently, I'm still two days late but still. :P)

Anyway, real exciting news just stormed uppon my browser as I read (and viewed) that GameCube homebrew is able to run using Action Replay and SDLoad!
Unfortunately, though, the well-known Phantasy Star Online hack doesn't work (which was the method I had used a long time ago on the GameCube). :(

Also, a lot of material is being reverse engineered by various different people (among which is the well-established DarkFader, from what I noticed).

I can't wait to be able to try all of these findings myself when the Wii arrives that my little brother pre-ordered. :)


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