Date added: Monday, December 31 2007, 05:00AM
Happy New Year!
Another year has come to an end and so, like previous years, it's time for a reflection on past events.
This year has offered a lot of big changes in my life and because of that I didn't get around much to writing weblog entries but despite that, I'm going to list a couple of items here.
2007 has been the year of…
- …Gwen, my first girlfriend with whom I've had my first kiss.
- …Hogeschool, for I passed my admission exam (with a lot of strain and effort as far as maths is concerned) and have given it my all ever since (and luckily that also shows in my scores so far).
- …Liones, where I've started working since the beginning of the summer; a job which suits me perfectly at a company which is absolutely awesome! (Thanks again for introducing me, Michel!
- …New Guitar, for I've bought the best guitar I've ever played so far (beating even guitars that are thrice the cost): the ESP LTD M-200FM!
- …Concerts, for having seen Dream Theater and Symphony X have blown me away by miles, Spock's Beard on which DVD I'll (hopefully
) be seen and Beardfish, a fantastic band who I've come to know by attending this year's Symforce festival.
- …Portable Development, because I've started doing a lot of programming on not just the Nintendo DS, but soon also... (stay tuned
- …Maturity, for I've turned 21 years of age and am now officially an adult.
That's it so far, I think.. if I've forgotten anything I'm allowing myself to edit the list at least until there's a next weblog entry.
Anyway, happy new year to everyone and all the best wishes for coming 2008.