]> Agilo's Weblog
Life's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.Forrest Gump
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Thursday, January 1 2009, 08:52AM

Happy New Year!

Another year has come to an end and so, just like previous years, it's time for me to reflect on events of the past year.

It's no secret that I haven't been writing many weblog entries this years, which has a reason: time (or lack thereof).
School in combination with my work are eating up so much time I have little time left to do other things, and if I do get around to doing other things, writing weblog entries isn't on the top of my list.

I do feel bad for not writing about it, though, because it doesn't give me a chance to read back on my life when I'm X years older in life, the very reason I started keeping a weblog in the first place.
Some may think that writing a weblog entry doesn't take much time and I should just write brief reports on what happened, but I won't do that simply for the fact that some events that have happened deserve their own individual weblog entries because of having a profound influence on my life (or just because of the scale of the event).
What happens next is that these events stack up and the task of writing about them becomes so great it's actually becoming demotivating.

At any rate, for the sake of my regular new years reflections I will list them here in short headlines (as I have done in previous years) just to have them written down; it'll remain to be seen if they'll ever be written out in large.

So without further ado, 2008 has been the year of…

  • …one of the most important decisions in my life, to change my education to Computer Engineering (i.e. Technische Informatica).
  • …getting my Propedeuse, within my first year!
  • Pokemon Mini, for which I've started developing passionately (but not enough due to lack of time, which I hope to better this year).
  • …me and my younger brother went on vacation to italy (in the summer of 2008).
  • starting a class of my own at school, in which I give lessons to my peers in XHTML/CSS/JavaScript/DOM/Accessibility- and Webstandards/PHP/PHP+SQL.
  • Wintersports vacation to Val Thorens, for which I've bought my very own snowboard: Nitro's Pantera.
  • booking a backcountry snowboarding course with McNab Snowsports for February of 2009!
  • …having went on a Company trip to Rome!
  • Symphony X, whom I've finally got to see, many times over (together with Dream Theater)!
  • finally buying a DSerial EDGE after waiting seemingly endlessly for Natrium42 to start producing and selling DSerial carts again.
  • …buying a new mobile (smart)phone, the Samsung GT-i8510 INNOV8 with 8 megapixel camera.
  • …buying an Amiga 500 (more on this very soon, in a separate entry).

2008 (on par with 2007, actually) has also been one of the most busy years of my life (which shows in the amount of weblog entries this year, heh).

Anyway, I close this entry wishing everybody a very prosperous 2009!


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