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Aku.  Soku.  Zan.Saito Hajime
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Sunday, March 14 2004, 12:16AM

Zatoichi OST.

I downloaded the original sound track to Zatoichi, I love the music that much. :)
I especially like the track called "Festivo".

Here's a list of the tracks:
Zatoichi - 01 - Road To A Post-Town
Zatoichi - 02 - Firewood Chopping And A Farmer Who Wants To Be A Samurai
Zatoichi - 03 - Ginzo's First Command
Zatoichi - 04 - Naruto-Yarice Merchant Massacre
Zatoichi - 05 - Gambling House Massacre
Zatoichi - 06 - Wasteland Masscre And The Reminiscene Of Geisha
Zatoichi - 07 - House On Fire And Massacres All Over
Zatoichi - 08 - Constructors
Zatoichi - 09 - O-Kagura
Zatoichi - 10 - Zatoichi Showdown
Zatoichi - 11 - Festivo
Zatoichi - 12 - Road To A Post-Town (Alternate Mix)
Zatoichi - 13 - Ginzo's First Command (Alternate Mix)
Zatoichi - 14 - House On Fire And Massacres All Over (Alternate Mix)
Zatoichi - 15 - Trailer

I downoaded them from:
(Note that by the time you read this, the link might not work anymore.)


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