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Sunday, June 6 2004, 11:40PM

Back from Netgamez!

Well, I'm back from Netgamez, and I've gained 89 GiB of movies, anime and games! :D
I've created a list of all the things I've downloaded for reference. :)

Netgamez was cool, there were about 1300 people there, all of whom were either downloading or playing games on its network.
There was no internet connection there except for four dedicated machines.
I, on the other hand, did have a (fast) internet connection, and openly shared it with my brothers and friends.
I simply installed a proxy server on those dedicated machines, and set up my machine to use that one as such. :D
The only internet connection Netgamez did allowed was the connection for the MSN protocol, so that people could use MSN Messenger (or clones).

Anyway, it started out quite chaoticly, because I needed to set up the network connection on all 5 PC's (in order: little brothers' machine, big brothers' machine, big brothers' friend's machine, my friend's machine, and last, my own machine).
Not only that, but within 10 minutes of being set up, both my brothers' friend's machine and my friend's machine got infected by the Sasser worm. :o
I got to hand it to some people for not ensuring their PC's are virus free before going to such an event as Netgamez.
Thanks to those few who brought it with them, now loads of people got infected by it.

Anyway, they both had to re-install Windows as a result, and before setting up the network connection, install the patch microsoft released for their Windows versions.

By the way, I didn't sleep the first night, I did sleep for 8 hours on the second night. :D

Oh, and I played three rounds of Laser Gaming, for the first time.
It fucking rocks!
Definitely a thing I'll be doing more. :)


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