Agilo's Weblog (text-based version for ancient browsers) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are seeing this page in the technology best suited for your browser. Enjoy your stay here and if at any time you feel the urge to see this page in its full glory I kindly and friendly suggest you to get a better browser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Entry title: Solaris! Date added: Tuesday, June 15 2004, 08:39PM Written by: Agilo ( Entry ID: 78 --- Well, I'm going to install Solaris tomorrow. In order to do that, I need to clean up my hard-disk first. So, I'm going to burn 17 DVD's, then remove all the partitions from this drive, create three new partitions (I'll see about the sizes when I'm at that stage), install Solaris and then re-install Windows XP Professional. I figure it'll take me about two days, especially since I need to burn all the DVD's. So, if you don't see me online, now you know the reason why. :) Coming to think of it, I have my PentiumMMX on which DamnSmallLinux resides.. I can go on IRC through that. :D Anyway, wish me luck! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------