ff at 3:49AM []:|fhddfh|neger at 5:40PM []:|wat 9000|IGCxIBOoJMaXnsxQ at 1:39AM []:|wFgKbYefOKOGTb|Agilo at 2:11AM []:|Hallo!|Agilo at 4:55AM []:|Testing for publishing. ;)|Alessandro at 3:02PM []:|HEYA MAN!|Agilo at 5:41PM []:|Hahaha, I wonder who wrote that. XD|kill-niggers at 10:41PM []:|wat we should do is kill them all|kill-niggers at 10:41PM []:|wat we should do is kill them all|kill-niggers at 10:41PM []:|kill al niggers|Fucker at 2:52AM []:|fuck all niggers|Fucker at 2:52AM []:|Fuck you all!!!!|weeder at 6:36PM []:|niggers|weeder at 6:35PM []:|niggers|Ossama bin lauden at 3:24AM []:|im going to blow all you up |me at 8:36AM []:|test|Agilo at 9:13AM []:|w00t!|? at 11:58PM []:|??|IceMan at 1:42PM []:|hi |Agilo at 12:05AM []:|Laters.|Mr. President at 12:05AM []:|See ya later Alligator|Mr. President at 12:05AM []:|K|Agilo at 12:04AM []:|bie|Agilo at 12:04AM []:|k.|Mr. President at 12:04AM []:|Hey maar KNUL, ik ga ff tv kijken|Agilo at 12:04AM []:|:(|Mr. President at 12:03AM []:|ENOUGH FIREWORKS?|Mr. President at 12:03AM []:|HOWS THAT , PUNK|Agilo at 12:03AM []:|That's within my radius.|Agilo at 12:03AM []:|OMG.|Mr. President at 12:02AM []:|Nukes CITER 12|Agilo at 12:02AM []:|I've got the hugest headache.|Mr. President at 12:02AM []:|We'r gonna some em' out of their holes and bring them to justice!|slet at 12:01AM []:|*gives nuke*|Mr. President at 12:01AM []:|APACHES|Mr. President at 12:01AM []:|WE NEED NUKES|slet at 12:01AM []:|ok|Agilo at 12:01AM []:|Mr. President! All hail!|Mr. President at 12:01AM []:|Ah!|Agilo at 12:00AM []:|JA|hoer at 12:00AM []:|:D|Fuzzy at 12:00AM []:|TIK JE SOMS ALLE ONTVANGEN TEKST IN , IN PHOTOSHOP EN DAN SLA JE HEM ALS PLAATJE OP?|Agilo at 12:00AM []:|That's teh whole point, Edface.|Agilo at 12:00AM []:|:P|hoer at 12:00AM []:|Agilo is n00b|Fuzzy at 12:00AM []:|HET LIJKT WEL EEN PLAATJE|Agilo at 11:59PM []:|<(^_^<) <(^_^)> (>^_^)>|Fuzzy at 11:59PM []:|WAAROM KAN IK NIET EEN STUKJE TEKST SELECTEREN ;)|Fuzzy at 11:59PM []:|!!|Agilo at 11:59PM []:|Omg.|hoer at 11:59PM []:|/o\|Fuzzy at 11:59PM []:|(. ) . )|Fuzzy at 11:59PM []:|<_____________________________________---|Fuzzy at 11:58PM []:|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->|hoer at 11:58PM []:|ik ga slipknot spelen met een triangel|Agilo at 11:58PM []:|___________/)_____\o/________ {Shark attack!}|Fuzzy at 11:58PM []:|__________________________________________________________________________________________|hoer at 11:58PM []:|TRIANGEL RULES|Agilo at 11:58PM []:|Hahaha.|Fuzzy at 11:58PM []:|\o/|Fuzzy at 11:58PM []:|1..2.. cha cha cha|Agilo at 11:57PM []:|:P|Fuzzy at 11:57PM []:|Of in Samba ballen|Agilo at 11:57PM []:|!!!!!!!|Fuzzy at 11:57PM []:|IK GA CONSEVATORIUM DOEN IN TRIANGEL|Agilo at 11:57PM []:|Hahahha|Fuzzy at 11:56PM []:|STAAFMIXER|Fuzzy at 11:56PM []:|OPHAALBRUG|Fuzzy at 11:56PM []:|CAVIA|hoer at 11:56PM []:|ROODBROOSTER|Fuzzy at 11:55PM []:|BROODROOSTER|Agilo at 11:55PM []:|Haha, Michel. :P Mijn woord een beetje stelen. :P|Fuzzy at 11:55PM []:|POEP |Agilo at 11:55PM []:|Maar dudes, dit is een oude proof-pf-concept, ik ga het niet meer uitwerken. :P|hoer at 11:55PM []:|stelletje JANGHONGEREN|Agilo at 11:55PM []:|OMG, NEE!|Fuzzy at 11:54PM []:|lettergrote inderdaad..ANDERS PRATEN WE IN CAPS|Fuzzy at 11:54PM []:|hehe uit het MEERPAAL tijdperk|hoer at 11:54PM []:|ja en de lettergrootte ook :P|Agilo at 11:54PM []:|Haha.|Agilo at 11:53PM []:|The PHP is even worse. :P|hoer at 11:53PM []:|dude je moet een refresh limit instellen :P dit zuigt|Agilo at 11:53PM []:|Doesn't even have any XHTML/CSS/etc.|Agilo at 11:53PM []:|But yeah, this was a proof-of-concept of mine, a LONG time ago.|hoer at 11:53PM []:|:D|Agilo at 11:53PM []:|We be chattin', yo!|Agilo at 11:52PM []:|Omfg.|hoer at 11:52PM []:|slipknot rules!|Agilo at 11:52PM []:|Fags. :D|Fuzzy at 11:52PM []:|yup..|hoer at 11:52PM []:|yep|Fuzzy at 11:52PM []:|or..|Fuzzy at 11:52PM []:|I mean.. GENESIS|Agilo at 11:52PM []:|Ed!|Agilo at 11:52PM []:|OMG!|Fuzzy at 11:52PM []:|YES|Agilo at 11:51PM []:|Omfg.|hoer at 11:51PM []:|slet!|Agilo at 11:51PM []:|Say something. :(|Agilo at 11:50PM []:|Cool, no? :D|ConkeR at 9:12AM []:|Dude get a life -_-|ConkeR at 9:12AM []:|Dude get a life -_-|Agilo at 1:37PM []:|Cool, dude!|Agilo at 1:37PM []:|Wow!|Agilo at 3:10PM []:|Omg, you?|Agilo at 4:18PM []:|Who's your daddy?!|Agilo at 7:41PM []:|haha!|Agilo at 8:12PM []:|Omg.|Agilo at 8:12PM []:|Just testing..|Agilo at 9:36AM []:|jklhdjkld|Agilo at 9:36AM []:|bla!|BunnyRabbit at 4:23PM []:|What's up?|Agilo at 4:20PM []:|Hey, man!|BunnyRabbit at 4:16PM []:|Hey!|